Flare’s new blog.

I have started up a new blog, since this one is dead.

I hope you enjoy: Flare’s Choice

Yeah, we’re dead.

Thanks for the run, everyone, it was fun. The blog is pretty much dead now, so I just wanted to post this so no one would be expecting any more new posts… yeah.


Series 5 Collectible Minifigure Review on Eurobricks!

Whitefang of Eurobricks, just posted this review of the Series 5 minifigures! Boy they look gorgeous!

Devil may care

These beautiful (Urm..) heads were made by Sir Nadroj over on Mocpages, click HERE to see more pics!
The Devil May Care



















Harry Potter Years 5-7 Coming Soon

Voldemort looks evil... A second Harry Potter game is going to be released around Christmas time, the game covering the last years of the books. Cheers!~Swift

Nintendo 3DS

A Nintendo 3DS

This Nintendo 3Ds was made by ape the monkey and is remarkably good and accurate! see his  Mocpages site here

10218 Pet Shop… released NEXT TUESDAY!?!!?

Well folks, it seems that I was slightly off in my recent post about the 10218 Pet Shop. It is not being released in August, instead we only have to wait for a few days, until May 10th! I’m quite excited about this news! I recommend you check out Tazmandvl11’s photostream because he has lots of pictures of the set.

(For more information about the set please check out my recent post here)

1865 Peacemaker

The Peacemaker

This gun is Patrick L.’s first gun to make in lego. It is very accurate and holds a lot of beauty, especially in the chrome pieces!  Click here  to see more of Patrick’s creations!